Brace Yourselves: VR Ads Are on Their Way

A recent Google Developers Blog post states that Google is now experimenting with an early-stage project for creating VR forms of advertising. This means that the inevitable will happen and we'll probably see VR advertising in the near future. Fortunately, Google claims that they will search for "useful and non-intrusive" methods to do that.
According to Google, the first idea for a potential format presents a cube to users, with the option to engage with it and then see a video ad. By tapping on the cube or gazing at it for a few seconds, the cube opens a video player where the user can watch, and then easily close, the video. Check their blog post for a demonstration of what that might look like.
Of course, this is just a very early idea, and there will be a lot of testing before implementing it. Google plans to first test the new format on Cardboard, Gear VR and Daydream.
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